We believe God wants to love the whole person - body, mind, heart, and soul.
Journey’s mission is to give people a safe and spiritually supportive place to help them get in touch with their hearts and emotions and integrate their beliefs with their feelings and experiences. Most importantly, we create the time and space to look to God and invite Jesus into our lives through prayer. For many people, the result is healing for the past, a sense of freedom from old habits and, most important, a renewed sense of walking with Jesus.
These spiritual practices have sustained generations of Christians.
Clearly seeing who we are in light of our relationship to Jesus and the truth of the Bible
For many of us, there is a disconnect between our understanding of God and our experience of God. We are taught that God loves us, but we don’t always find that we can sense that love. We learn that Holy Spirit lives within us, but we don’t always understand how we can connect with that reality. We learn from Scripture that God speaks, but we only hear silence.
One reason that our beliefs and our experiences are out of alignment is because we are not integrated human beings. We focus on correct thinking but ignore our emotions. Or we pay a lot of attention to our behaviour but not to our spirituality. This means that there are only parts of ourselves – our intellects or our bodies – that participate in our relationship with God, and there are other parts that we simply neglect.
At Journey we believe that God wants to love the whole person – body, mind, heart, and soul. We give people a safe, spiritually supportive place to help them get in touch with their hearts and emotions and integrate their beliefs with their feelings and experiences. Most importantly, we create the time and the space to look to God and invite Jesus into our lives through prayer. For many people, the result is healing for the past, a sense of freedom from old habits and, most important, a renewed sense of walking with Jesus.
Journey provides a number of avenues for people to start pursuing Jesus with their whole person:
Journey Discipleship Course (JDC): The JDC is a 20-week course that is at the heart of what Journey does. It's a safe place for people to talk about their lives, receive the love and support of God and others, and experience Jesus. Each week, participants will spend time in worship and teaching on topics ranging from understanding our needs to addiction, forgiveness and developing healthy friendships. Participants then break out into small groups for times of honest sharing and listening prayer.
Journey 101 (J101): J101 is a shorter, six-session introductory course that helps people identify aspects of their lives that interfere in their relationships with God and others. J101 includes worship and teaching that is shorter than in the JDC, small group sharing and prayer time.
Journey Intensive: The Intensive is geared to pastors and church leaders. It is structured in a way that’s very similar to our JDC but concentrated into a single retreat time away.
Falling Forward (FF): A 20-week course for men who struggle with sexually addictive behaviour. The course helps individuals share their struggles and receive God’s healing and empowering grace, so they can break free of their behaviours and live according to God’s design. In small groups, participants are kept accountable, and are provided an avenue of healing and forgiveness through prayer.
Seminars: One-day Seminars that offer pastoral training and tools for pastors, ministry leaders, caregivers, and friends.
We partner with churches to offer safe places for spiritual care and experiential discipleship, for people who struggle with a variety of relational issues. We are supported by and involved with churches of various backgrounds and sizes.
We believe Jesus is the source of all healing, and that personal healing is a process, not a one-time event. Our courses point people to Christ, the all-sufficient One who desires to heal our relationships and be present on the journey to understanding identity, sexuality and wholeness. All our programs include the worship of God, the biblical teaching of brokenness, and the ministry of prayer.
Our programs are led by women and men who have experienced relational and sexual healing in their own lives. They have been trained as volunteers. Because our leaders can identify with the struggles, hurts and helplessness that participants face, they lead and mentor them by example. As a result, program participants see first-hand how God changes lives.
As a Christ-centred ministry, we follow the biblical foundation of serving people with compassion, integrity, and dependence on the Holy Spirit. In all we do, we share Jesus—the One who is full of grace and truth (John 1:14). The following are some of the founding principles of Journey South Africa:
By relying on the Holy Spirit to renew people, we try to provide a basis for a lifetime process of healing in our identity, sexuality and relationships. This process includes Christian discipleship, which needs to take place in the body of Christ. Thus each Journey group is part of the local church.
We also believe that healing best occurs when men and women minister together, releasing the presence of God to one another that corresponds with our deepest needs for love.
At the centre of the Journey is the cross of Jesus Christ discovered in His community—the means through which we have access to the Father’s love. The cross is the place where we lay down our sins and wounds and receive the Holy Spirit of resurrection. At the cross, Journey seeks to explore the wounded and complex habits of the heart in order to impart the truthful, healing love of Jesus there.